Monday, June 10, 2013

Basic Phrases

Good morning, how are you today ?
-Buongiorno , come va ? / come stai ?
Welcome to our class.
-Benvenuti alla nostra classe
Hello, what is your name ?
-Ciao, come ti chiami ? / come si chiama
Excuse me , in which direction is the office ?
-Miscusi, in che direzione si truva l'ufficio ?
Could you show me where the toilets are ?
-Potresti farmi vedere dore sono le toilette ?
What afternoon activity are you interested in ?
-Quale attivita pomeriggo ti interessa ?
Who is the director of the school ?
-Qui e il directore dela scuola ?
Please place your books in your cubby at the end of the row.
-Si perga di inserine ituoi libri nel vostro cubby alla fine della riga .

Italian Language Speakers

200 million people speak Italian , and Italian is considered as a very popular language . Italian is on the list of the 100 most spoken languages in the world , but not on the list of the most endangered languages , and the youth still speak it.

Why Is Learning Italian Important ?

I think learning Italian is important because knowing one language is not enough and learning Italian is pretty easy. Knowing Italian also means that you can order pizza clearly, and not getting a cheese pizza instead of a pepperoni one . It also means getting to talk to people if you are in Italy or if there is someone new at school , work , or in your neighborhood . Going  to a giant store of Italian shoes and getting what you want , that is learning Italian . Well I think that Italian  is awesome . :P

Friday, May 31, 2013

Interesting Grammer Snippets

The Italian word order is SVO , which means that Italian sentences are written like this : Subject , Verb , Object .

Grammar articles:
Girl : una
Boy : un

Uno before z , sc , and gn
Un before a vowel
Lo before s + z , gn, ps, pn, x , and y.

When there is a double "z" in a word , you pronounce it "ts"

National Anthem :

Italian Symbols

Capital : Rome
National Flower : Rose | Most popular : Violet | Most religious : White lily
National animal : Wolf
National Monument : Altaredella Partia
Religion : 53,800,000 christians | 51,600,000 catholic |  40,000 other
Population : 61,273,067
Currency : Euro
Borders : Austria , France, and Switzerland

Lame Italian Joke

- Did you hear about the Italian chef that died ?
- No.
- He pasta way !

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Countries Where Italian Is Spoken

Italian is spoken in many different places. These places include :
 The Italian peninsula , southern Switzerland , San Marino , Sicily , Corsica , northern Sardinia ,  the shore of Adriatic Sea , North America , South America , Brazil , Vatican City , Australia , and it's one of the four official languages in Switzerland. 

Italian Origin

Italian is an Indo-European language , but is also considered as a Romance language. Italian descended from the Latin and is originated in the twelfth century. It is a single language with numerous dialects.