Friday, May 31, 2013

Interesting Grammer Snippets

The Italian word order is SVO , which means that Italian sentences are written like this : Subject , Verb , Object .

Grammar articles:
Girl : una
Boy : un

Uno before z , sc , and gn
Un before a vowel
Lo before s + z , gn, ps, pn, x , and y.

When there is a double "z" in a word , you pronounce it "ts"

National Anthem :

Italian Symbols

Capital : Rome
National Flower : Rose | Most popular : Violet | Most religious : White lily
National animal : Wolf
National Monument : Altaredella Partia
Religion : 53,800,000 christians | 51,600,000 catholic |  40,000 other
Population : 61,273,067
Currency : Euro
Borders : Austria , France, and Switzerland

Lame Italian Joke

- Did you hear about the Italian chef that died ?
- No.
- He pasta way !

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Countries Where Italian Is Spoken

Italian is spoken in many different places. These places include :
 The Italian peninsula , southern Switzerland , San Marino , Sicily , Corsica , northern Sardinia ,  the shore of Adriatic Sea , North America , South America , Brazil , Vatican City , Australia , and it's one of the four official languages in Switzerland. 

Italian Origin

Italian is an Indo-European language , but is also considered as a Romance language. Italian descended from the Latin and is originated in the twelfth century. It is a single language with numerous dialects.